We stream live on Wednesdays at 12pm & 7pm. Sundays at 8am (In Person Worship) & 11am (VIRTUAL ONLY) CST.

A family of believers doing it God’s way

St. John Divine

Missionary Baptist Church

Worship with Us

Here at St. John Divine, we make it our purposeful intent to promote the family of believers encompassing multiple generations. We glorify God by Exalting the Savior through multi-faceted praise and worship, Edifying the Saints through multi-generational ministry, and Evangelizing the sinner through multi-targeted outreach. WE PREACH AND TEACH THE WORD/BIBLE.

Congregation at St. John Divine

Our Men

Promoting men in their advancement, empowerment, and fellowship.

Ministries for

Our Women

Promoting women in their advancement, empowerment, and fellowship.

Ministries for

Our Youth

Fellowship and fun for children and young adults within SJD

Ministries for

Our Seniors

An arm of extension intended to prop up our Seasoned Saints

Request a Prayer

Prayer Requests

Send a prayer request to Pastor Marshall and the members of St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church.

News & Events

Get the latest information on upcoming services, events, and announcements from SJD and our Pastor, Dr. Joseph L. Marshall.

Bible Study at st. John Divine

From Going to Growing

Upcoming Events/Announcements

1. 2025 THEME & FOCUS OF CONCENTRATION FOR APRIL. Our theme for this year is “Greater Impact”. We are persuaded and convinced that God wants you to have a greater impact in every area of your life! As believers, no one has had a greater impact on our lives more than Jesus; one of the many ways Jesus has impacted our lives is by his words, throughout the month of April, Pastor will be preaching concerning Jesus and the impact he made with his words, be sure to join us in person on the dates below, our music ministry be leading us in worship during each worship experience, looking forward to you joining us for in person worship on BOTH Wednesdays and Sundays throughout this month as we focus on the seven last sayings of Jesus while on the cross.

Wednesday April 2nd

  • 1st Saying @ 12pm
  • 2nd Saying @ 7pm

Sunday, April 6th: 3rd Saying @ 8am

Wednesday, April 9th: 4th saying @ 12pm

Sunday April 13th: 5th Saying @ 8am

Wednesday, April 16th

  • 6th Saying @ 12pm
  • 7th Saying @ 7pm

2. MAN UP FELLOWSHIP. We will be having our monthly Man Up Fellowship Saturday, April 19th at 8am, this is a time when all of the men of S J D come together to have breakfast and bible study with Pastor Marshall, he teaches us the Word of God as well as speaks into our lives, we then have breakfast one with another. Looking forward to seeing all men on Saturday, April 19th at 8am, Man Up!


* Tuesday, April 1st, Mass Choir @ 6: 30pm

* Wednesday, April 9th @ 6:30 Youth Choir

* Tuesday, April 15th @ 6: 30pm Mass Choir

* Tuesday, April 22nd @ 6:30pm Young Adult Choir

* Tuesday, April 29th @ 6:30pm Mass Choir

4. SJD PENSACOLA APP. We are pleased to announce that we now have almost 1200 people who have downloaded our S J D Pensacola App. Thank you S J D family and friends for helping us serve you better via our S J D Pensacola App. Our app not only gives you access to Pastor’s sermon notes each week, our app also gives you access to SJD’s weekly calendar which includes all news and events, access to our prayer lists, access to previous broadcasts, access to all of our social media pages, our website, our giving declaration, as well as all of our giving platforms!!!  Thank you for taking advantage of this great resource as well as staying connected to S J D through our S J D Pensacola App.

5. HELP US SERVE YOU BETTER IN 2025. SO we can better serve you, We are asking all members of S J D to take the time and update your contact information, there are 3 very EASY ways you can choose from to update your contact information. You can simply text your name and updated contact information to 850 529 7762, that’s 850 529 7762, OR you can simply email your updated contact information to our secretary at secretary@sjdmbc.org, that’s secretary@sjdmbc.org, or you can simply call the church office ANY hour at 850 432 0568 and simply leave your contact information on our voicemail, again, asking every member of S J D to please take the time to choose one of these three options and update your contact information, thank you for helping us serve you better here in 2025.

6. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Every Sunday morning, immediately following the worship experience, Sunday School will be taking place back in our educational building. During the worship experience, the Word of God is preached, however during Sunday school, the word of God is taught. In the words of our pastor, preaching will draw you, however teaching will keep you, and we all need to be kept during this New Year. We would absolutely love to have BOTH Adults as well as youth join us immediately following worship this morning for Sunday school in the back, we have classes for all ages. Let’s not just GO to church this year, let’s take the time to “GROW” in Sunday School.

7. ATTENTION 2025 HIGHSCHOOL & COLLEGE GRADUTES. Attention all 2025 high school and college graduates, we your church family are SO proud of you for finishing what you started, we can’t wait to see what else God has planned for you as you go forward into the next season of your life. We your S J D church family want to recognize as well as celebrate you on your accomplishment, please stop by the church office and fill out our graduate recognition packet, thank you for helping us celebrate you.

8. SUNDAY SCHOOL. Every Sunday morning, immediately following the worship experience, Sunday School will be taking place back in our educational building. During the worship experience, the Word of God is preached, however during Sunday school, the word of God is taught. In the words of our pastor, preaching will draw you, however teaching will keep you, and we all need to be kept during this New Year. We would absolutely love to have BOTH Adults as well as youth join us immediately following worship this morning for Sunday school in the back, we have classes for all ages. Let’s not just GO to church this year, let’s take the time to “GROW” in Sunday School.

9. GIVING DELCARATION (Online Giving). Lord, I am totally dependent on You. I worship You now in my giving. My tithe, which is ten percent of my increase, I give out of obedience and support of my church. Above that, here’s my offering that I give out of my appreciation for who You are. For this reason, according to your Word, I thank you for……

Blessings and Abundance: Malachi 3: 10

Provisions: Philippians 4: 19

Spiritual Growth: 2 Corinthians 9: 6-8

Protections: Proverbs 3: 9-10

Generosity and Rewards: Luke 6: 38

Joy and Fulfillment: Acts 20: 35

And lastly, Divine Favor upon my life. In Jesus name, AMEN!

* GIVELIFY APP (Search “St John Divine”)

* CASH APP (“$SJDPensacola”)

* SJD Pensacola App (Search “SJDPensacola” in app store, download)

* WEBSITE (SJDMBC.org “Give Tab”)

* MAIL (620 East Jordan Street Pensacola FL 32503)

Help Us Reach Our Goal


Thank you for giving to SJD. There are two ways to give.

1.  Your tithes and offering.

2.  Our 100/7 Campaign.

Your contributions to SJD helps us to be able to operate with a high level of excellence and better serve our community.  Please click the tab below to give, or get more info.

Service Times


Come join us in worship!

8:00 a.m. – Morning Worship (IN PERSON Worship, wear mask please)
9:45 a.m.  – Sunday School (In Person)

11:00 a.m. – Afternoon Worship (VIRTUAL ONLY)

Since 1924, St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church has welcomed the members of our community to join us in glorifying God.