Request a Prayer

Prayer Requests

Billy – 7/16/2024

Healing for mom

God heal my mother bless her lungs her health her oxygen levels heal her restore her health longevity in Jesus Christ name amen

Virendra Navgire – 7/16/2024

Kidney failure problem

Please pray for my sister ASHA NITINKUMAR KHANDAGALE. Her Kidneys have failed. Due to saturation of water in Lungs, she has to suffer mostly with Breathing difficulty .
Please pray immediately.

Bill – 7/16/2024


God heal my mom in Jesus Christ name amen

Anthony roberts – 7/16/2024

Anthony Roberts prayer request

Pray for me( blessings and covering over my life)

Ruben – 7/16/2024

Healing and Deliverance

Please pray for my return to The LORD, and for healing for my backsliding and body. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He protects me and delivers me from my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my needs and helps me with and in all things. Thank you and God bless you.

Tyra – 7/16/2024


please pray for mum ‘s ct scan for lung and blood test to be of such good report and that she has no problem breathing well on her own and that she will be quickly transferred out of icu to normal ward. . Thanks

JAIME CAMPANA – 8/18/2023

Prayer for healing

Please prayer for my mother MARIA IBARRA, for healing her lungs disease of fibrosis and pneumonia.

Paulina Michaud – 8/18/2023

Healing for a Grandchild

Please pray for my grandchild who was born premie and is in the ICU. He might need some medical procedures. Please pray that God lead the doctors and nurses to make the best decisions. That he will hold up well, be healed, and overcome every challenge. Please pray for his parents so God will give them strength as they go through this storm. Thanks.

Barbara McCullough – 8/18/2023

Ruby’s Healing

Please pray for healing for my friend Ruby. Pray that her brain, kidneys, and
heart will begin to function completely. Doctors are not giving a positive prognosis.

rayfield spires – 8/18/2023


My brother tested positive for covid our mother, his wife, and myself were exposed. Praying that he recovers and that we all don’t don’t get Covid. Amen

Sumit Stephan kindo – 8/18/2023

Suffering gastric stomach cramps pain

Sir myself sumit Stephan kindo suffering gastric stomach cramps since morning please pray for me so i be heal by blessing and prayers heal me provides me good health

Evans Tumfuo – 8/18/2023

Divine Healing

Please pray for my mum Amusu Rejoyce, she has been dealing with glaucoma for some time now. I pray for God healing mercies to locate her.
God bless you

Melanie – 8/18/2023

Missing son

Please pray for my missing teenage son. He is autistic and I have informed the police

Katie Casey – 8/29/2022


Praying for strong Healing, within the body, sleeping/eating issues, praying for body issues within the body, muscle and joint pain. Mild to extreme sickness, head issues

Also praying new beginnings, jobs moving locations for housing, praying for new jobs university, praying for stress free situations.
Thankyou team jesus name Amen 🙏

Lillian Aguirre – 8/29/2022

Salvation for my brother

Please pray for my brother. Please
pray he turns his life over to Christ
and comes to full repentance of his sons. Please pray God protects our communication and relationship always. Please pray God keeps His Hand of Protection over us. Please pray for our family

Kirk Hedstrom – 8/29/2022


Please pray for my wife Linda battling cancer.
For God’s healing and comfort.
Thank you, God bless

Kelley Marie P – 6/30/2022


Please pray for my son jake, hes in heart failure…

Linda Weaver – 6/30/2022

Legal help

My son Kristopher needs help asap. He’s going through a tough time.

Jansi Vipin – 6/30/2022

Prayer for healing

Dear brother/sister,
Please pray for my husband vipin easo who is suffering from blood pressure, yesterday he suffered from pain in his veins in the forehead and pain in teeth.He is having severe cough.
Please pray for my daughter angelina 6 yrs old her left side front teeth is growing inside her gum.please pray for me i am feeling tired and body pain,can’t able to do my day to day work. please pray for my mother-in-law who is suffering from fever.please pray to our loving lord to heal us.

samuel h – 6/30/2022

prayer request for my son

please pray for my son’s education, career, wedding and marriage.

Nicola Alexander – 6/30/2022

Healing wellbeing

Hi, I’m praying and believing for God to heal me completely from trigeminal neuralgia and from hypertension. Also, from severe panic attacks anxiety stress also for all mri scans on my head and brain to be all completely clear and normal, nothing seriously wrong as nothing is impossible with God. Yes amen. thank you nicola

Angela John – 6/30/2022

HEALING prayer


Angela – 6/30/2022

HEALING prayer


E – 6/30/2022


Please pray that my daughter has a change of heart and wants to stay. Please pray she opens her mind and heart to me. Remove all the negativity towards me in her. Thank you.

Cyril Soloman Porter – 6/30/2022



I NEED SALVATION. GOD SEEMS ANGRY WITH ME. NOT ANSWERING MY PRAYERS. Devil/satan is troubling me while walking, doing domestic chores, bathing, money missing, docoments/register/ certificates are missing.

I need Protection and now I want to fulfil God’ will.

Yours sincerely,

C. S. Porter.

Kindly reply urgently by return mail to

Carlos – 6/30/2022


Please pray for the healing of Nelly. Thanks and God bless you all.

Pamela – 6/30/2022

Healing for niece from hives

My niece Isabel shiloh who is 11 yrs and is very ill since last 3 weeks.she has chronic hives which turn to swelling of lips, face and throat which is life threatening. She is having to take steroids to control this. She cries and is even scared to eat her food due to fear. Doctors cant find the cause.Please pray for her miraculous healing.

Phil Chavez – 6/30/2022

Prayer Request

Please pray for my mom Lorraine’s salvation and pray for her healing. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. Pray for excellent health. Pray for a long life for Lorraine.Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for Lorraine. Pray Lorraine’s possessions last a hundred times longer and will supernaturally become newer and repaired. Also, please pray for salvation and excellent health and long life for my uncle Seve,aunt Jackie and Pray salvation, healing and long life for my mom’s boyfriend Joe who has cancer.. In the name of Jesus Yeshua Hamashiach Amen . … Please Pray GOD Blesses me with a life partner real soon in JESUS Name. I’ve been praying for this since 1995

Joy Hampton – 6/30/2022

Wisdom Tooth and Sick

Please pray that I quickly recover from my cold symptoms and wisdom tooth extraction.

Megan – 6/30/2022

Neck pain

I’m having a neck pain for awhile. I have gone treatment and Dr and nothing improved and some made me worse. I need God ‘s mercy and grace and healing power.
Amen and thank you

Anonymous Anonymous – 6/30/2022

Elder prayer request please

Please pray for me. I feel like God doesn’t care about the things that matter to me at all and I don’t think I will ever have peace with God because he doesn’t answer that prayer either. I feel like I am being strung along. I am so very tired of being tormented.

Brandi Hupp – 6/30/2022

My newborn Kaylee Hupp

I just had my newborn baby girl on June 28th at Orange Park Hospital. Her name is Kaylee Elizabeth Hupp. She is in critical care with breathing tubes. She weighs 5.15 lbs and was born premature. Please ask the people of the church to pray for my baby girl to get better. Thank you very much for any prayers.

Heather S – 3/17/2022


My prayer request is for my youngest sister. She’s a Christian, has 3 young children, and is 33 years old. She’s had a lot of health problems since having Covid. She’s had to leave work, barely able to get out of bed and function, lost a lot of weight, has no appetite. Dr’s aren’t giving her much answers. Please pray the Lord to give Sarah strength, healing, heart healing, faith, for the health care she needs, that he’ll bless her well-being. Thank you so much for all you do. God bless <3

Christraj Azor Ashish BabaDhan – 3/17/2022


Plz pray for my health problem.

Drema Compton – 1/20/2022

Prayer for my mother

I’m asking prayer for my dear sweet mother she suffered a hemorrhagic stroke and seizure at home on the 17th of December. She also has bleeding on the brain and is paralyzed on the left side of her body. The doctors preformed a tracheostomy so she could breathe. My mother has been a Christian for 62 years and has always served God. I know God Can do the impossible. Sincerely in need of prayers.

Solomon Ik6 – 1/20/2022


Pray for healing from aortic aneurysm
Thank you

Jennifer Workizer – 1/20/2022

Neck and back pain

May you please pray I have healing from my neck and back pain please.

Clyde Jethro Quidet – 1/20/2022

Prayer for healing

Please pray for fast and complete healing for my mother Lorena Sayson Quidet she’s at the hospital right now and got positive in COVID-19 and is suffering from severe pain due to some kidney problems. Thank you so much for helping me pray.

Crystal Vines – 1/20/2022


Please pray for Hester McKinney to be healed. She is 80 years old with cancer and covid

Mary C. – 1/20/2022

Healing Prayers for Alex

Please pray for healing for my son, Alex, who recently attempted suicide. Thank you.

Shannon Coleman – 1/20/2022

Prayer for mom and home

Please pray for my mom that’s in hospice she has been battling congestion and urinary issues . Please pray for my Gods blessings and protection over our home. Please also pray I can find a good job.

Taruna Satish – 1/20/2022

Heal my mother Leela urgently

Please give my mother Leela a speedy recovery urgently from her illness Please

Ned jean-Baptiste – 1/20/2022

Marriage restoration

HI, I’d like some help praying for my wife who is struggling with a spirit of depression and putting our marriage at high risk for separation. Also every doors I try to open in my life to grow a business won’t open all I get is spirit of rejection help me pray to restore my marriage, open doors for business to grow, and for God to bless us with a child this year it’s been 14years THANK YOU AND GOD BLESS.